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Copyright GNS Science
A New Zealand-led consortium of scientists is planning to drill into the Alpine Fault in the South Island so they can learn more about earthquakes and how the fault operates.
GNS Science
Documents and publications

Significant advances in the evaluation and use of geographic information have had a major effect on key elements of public health. Strides in mapping technology as well as the availability and accuracy of health information enable public health

Documents and publications

Overall, the negative health impacts of global climate change are anticipated to significantly outweigh positive impacts. Furthermore, global climate change will continue for decades, even after the effective implementation of mitigation measures. By

Documents and publications

New Zealand’s dynamic physical environment and level of technological development means the country is subject to a wide variety of hazards. Considerable work has been carried out over the years by scientific agencies, academic and research institutions

'What happens when a school really lets its pupils down: when the walls collapse sideways and the heavy tiled roof pancakes down in a couple of seconds? ...'
Guardian, the (UK)
Documents and publications
Focus on Recovery provides a framework for recovery planning and management in New Zealand for local government, Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Groups and government departments.

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