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With confirmation of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s tenth Ebola outbreak, health officials have focused on border screening at the Ugandan border to identify travelers who could pose a danger. Moreover, communities are learning how to protect themselves by learning the basics of the disease, how it is transmitted and how they can stop it from spreading.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
With the Democratic Republic of Congo facing its second major Ebola outbreak this year, researchers are collecting data that will improve how we respond to and prevent future outbreaks of Ebola and other diseases. Their work involves building a comprehensive picture of how diseases spread by tracking cases and mapping where people live, work and seek health care.
Voice of America
While the Ebola outbreak has been declared over, its outcome could have been more severe had WHO not acted as fast or acquired its medical technologies. Difficulty in tracking those who contacted the sick, weak technological infrastructure, the possibility of Ebola reaching the capital, and locals' suspicions of health workers could have capsized the process.
International Policy Digest
Democratic Republic of Congo may have declared an end to its ninth outbreak of the lethal Ebola virus since 1976, but health experts are already plotting ways to beat the next flare-up. From vaccines to apps, myth busting to health training, officials are looking at myriad options to better prepare the nation for what many fear is its inevitable future.
Thomson Reuters
Documents and publications
This profile provides an overview of climate risk issues in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), including how climate change will potentially impact four key sectors in the country: water resources and energy, ecosystems, agriculture, and health.
Documents and publications

This paper, from the UMFULA programme, reviews the current availability of climate information in Southern Africa and assesses the requirements of a variety of end users in the region, using empirical findings from an innovative regional survey. The paper

Documents and publications

This document provides a regional assessment of food security and vulnerability for SADC member countries, and aims to synthesise national level vulnerability assessments, facilitate discussions and a shared vision for reducing vulnerability, and discuss

After Ebola left 2500 dead in Guinea between 2014 and 2016, almost 6,000 Guineans were vaccinated with an experimental therapeutic, V920, offering substantial protection and inoculation. The same vaccine is being used in the DRC, with hopes that its effectiveness in Guinea will translate in the DRC.
Voice of America

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