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Thanks to booming populations, rapid urbanization, and accelerating changes in our climate, the costs related to heat wave disasters will almost certainly keep rising, as will the frequency of intense hurricanes, recurrent flooding, and raging wildfires. Learning from past disasters, a number of countries are investing in disaster risk reduction.
Foreign Policy
Documents and publications

The APELL Multi-Hazard Training Kit (Training Kit) aims to assist local authorities in preventing and improving preparedness for emergencies from the multiple hazards that may be present in their community. The objective of the Training Kit is to

A new report based on a conference on climate change assessment and adaptation in the Arab region has been released. It is the first report to comprehensively assess the impact of climate change on water resources in the Arab region, and the first integrated assessment of climate change impacts on socioeconomic and environmental vulnerability of Arab States.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Documents and publications

This brochure outlines the role of the Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program (DRFIP), which helps Middle Income Countries develop and implement comprehensive financial protection strategies that bring together different financial instruments to

The goal of COP22 is to consolidate the gains made in Paris and begin to prepare a strategy for implementing the targets agreed to in Paris last year. How did the first week of negotiations unfold? What were the developments when it came to key issues such as climate change adaptation and resilience, climate finance, and loss and damage?
Documents and publications

In a sustained effort since 2008, the Government of Morocco, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), the World Bank, and the Swiss Government have been working together to build a proactive and integrated disaster risk management

Mr. Robert Glasser, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction (left), listens as Mr. Vandi Chidi Minah, Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone to the United Nations, addresses the session on sustainable development (Photo: UNISDR)
Strong leadership is critical to ensure that no one is left behind amid global efforts to achieve sustainable development by 2030, the United Nations’ top disaster risk reduction official has told a high-level global forum.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - New York UNHQ Liaison Office
The World Bank Board of Directors today approved a US$ 200 million Program for Results operation to support Morocco’s preparedness to respond to natural disasters. The operation will reward the achievement of specific results in the way the government plans for and manages the risk of disasters, while also strengthening the country’s ability to cope with the costs of potential damages.
World Bank, the

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