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Documents and publications

Peru has experienced a long history of disasters linked to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), including during the global El Niño events of 1982–83 and 1997–98. This history has contributed to progress in ENSO forecasting and preparation, as well as

Inaigem inaugura un sistema de monitoreo en tiempo real, que permite visibilizar, en caso se produzca un aluvión, algún deslizamiento en la laguna Arhuaycocha.
Peru News Agency - Andina
Documents and publications

In this article, it is provided an impact evaluation of an intervention in Peru regarding preparedness for El Niño impacts in Picsi District of Chiclayo Province in Peru’s northwestern coastal Lambayeque region. This effort involved the provision of

Compendium of good practice on post disaster recovery in the Latin America and Caribbean Region
Documents and publications
This compendium presents good practices in post-disaster recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to spread and highlight the work and recovery processes taking place in different countries of the region.
As seasonal flooding in Peru becomes more extreme, a new Peruvian Red Cross programme seeks to use forecast-based financing to provide aid before floods hit.
Red Cross Red Crescent Magazine
The retreat of tropical glaciers as a result of climate change poses challenges to farmers and local populations of Cordillera Blanca in Peru.
Climate and Development Knowledge Network
Peruvian coastal cities depend on Andean glaciers for water supply. These glaciers are disappearing; there is an urgent need to adapt to future water scarcity.
Climate and Development Knowledge Network
Documents and publications

Between April 2015 and December 2016, the Latin American Social Science Faculty participated actively in the Climate Development Knowledge Network-CDKN- financed project on “Decision, implementation and social and economic impacts of climate risk induced

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