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Documents and publications

Resolution 2010-1:

This resolution commits European and Mediterranean States to continue promoting disaster risk reduction – including prevention, preparedness and efficient response to emergencies - as a political priority at all levels of government

Documents and publications

Resolution 2010-2:

This resolution recognises the value of applying best ethical principles in disaster risk reduction, in improving the resilience of societies and in responding efficiently to emergencies.

The resolution was adopted at the 12th

The Financiarul reports on the Flood Prevention Strategy 2010–2035, which according to Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely, was completed by the Ministry of Environment and is expected to be adopted within the next two weeks by the Government...
Financiarul SRL
Israeli research teams with Italy, France, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and Romania to create a reliable early warning system for railways in order to prevent accidents caused by avalanches, earthquakes and even terrorists...
Tel Aviv University
Documents and publications

This document includes brief case studies which identify “natural solutions”, which are often an essential contribution to cost effective climate change adaptation and mitigation. They emphasize the role of natural systems for regulating water flow

Educational materials

This booklet is intended to teach children, aged 8 to 12, about the most common disasters occurring in Romania. It includes information on rules to be applied in the case of disasters, and ways to prepare oneself.

The second part of the booklet contains

Documents and publications

This book draws from the contributions to the international workshop on relations between natural hazards and management in Europe, which took place from 22 to 24 October 2002 in the Grande Arche, La Défense, Paris (France).

It first focuses on

Documents and publications

JRC scientific and technical reports:

This document contains a summary of the country presentations, group activities, case studies, and results carried out during the second Natech workshop, which hold on 17-18 September 2007 in Stresa, Italy. It aims

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