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In the lead up to the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Reinhard Mechler, Deputy Program Director of IIASA’s Risk and Resilience Program, will speak at the Science and Policy Forum. His talk will focus on the need for co-generated and valid data for building community flood resilience.
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
The ISC’s newly published policy briefs provide key messages for policy-makers on disaster-loss data and the synergies between the major global agreements of the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.
International Science Council (ISC)
Improved early warning systems and more coordinated disaster risk reduction are more important than ever before. The Second Multi-Hazard Early Warning Conference takes place at WMO headquarters in Geneva. It will examine recent advances in multi-hazard early warning systems and future priorities.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Documents and publications

CSS Analyses in Security Policy CSS, no. 245

Earthquakes, floods, storms, heatwaves, tsunamis, pandemics – disasters come in various forms, all posing significant threats to human life, economic development, and ecological diversity around the world

In anticipation of the Global Platform 2019, the GNDR calls for its members to submit videos about how their community has helped prevent disasters. A selection of the submissions will be played at the event, which takes place from 13-17 May 2019 in Geneva.
Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction
In summer 2018, many countries in the northern hemisphere experienced severe heat waves. In a new study, ETH researchers have concluded that anthropogenic climate change is the only explanation of why heat affected so many areas over several months.
ETH Zurich
Registration is now open for the Science and Policy Forum, which will take place on 13–14 May at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, as part of the preparatory meetings for the Global Platform for DRR. All participants registered for the Global Platform 2019 dialogue can join the Science Forum. Registration is free for both events.
Integrated Research on Disaster Risk
Documents and publications

Les objectifs de ce projet étaient d’examiner comment le problème global des migrations environnementales/climatiques est défini au sein des institutions internationales, comment la question des migrations est intégrée au niveau local, soit comme

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