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Governments in the region have begun to ask the right questions about identifying vulnerable populations and are talking resilience, the WB tells IRIN. Improving people’s adaptive capacity does not always involve money...investment in more social protection measures is also needed...
The New Humanitarian
Documents and publications

This report assesses the potential effects of climate change on the Arab region and outlines possible approaches and measures to prepare for its consequences. It offers ideas and suggestions for Arab policy makers as to what mitigating actions may be

Photo by  © UNISDR
A National Co-ordinating Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Tunisia was launched Thursday in Tunis. It is a sustainable national system fo recollecting and processing data on real losses related to natural disasters in Tunisia...
Tunisian News Agency, Tunis-Afrique Presse
From left: Tunisia's Minister of Environment, Mamia Benna Zayani, and Amjad Abbashar, Head of UNISDR's Arab States regional office.
The Government of Tunisia announced that it will establish a National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), a multi-stakeholder national mechanism that will provide coordination and analysis of DRR at different levels in the country. There are now 82 National Platforms worldwide supporting implementation of the priorities outlined in the Hyogo Framework for Action.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Arab States
Documents and publications

This map depicts the countries participating in, and location of National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction, of the ECHO-funded UNISDR media trainings on disaster risk reduction in 2010-2011.

The media have an important role to play in creating

'Satellite Earth observation is one of the pillars of the disaster risk management practice at the World Bank. For instance, in the event of natural disasters, satellite data are used to support large-scale emergency recovery programs through a post-disaster needs assessment,' stated the European Space Agency...
redOrbit, Inc.
Documents and publications

This report, the first report in the UN-Habitat series on the state of cities to focus on the Arab world, highlights issues of environmental and natural disasters, risk and vulnerability, within a collective picture of urban conditions and trends in each

Hamidi Soule of the Comoros, one of the participants of the Regional Meeting to Advance Disaster Risk Reduction held in Cairo, Egypt in April 2012
A regional meeting of experts held in Cairo could result in a doubling of the number of Arab countries that systematically report on disaster losses. UNISDR brought together over 40 participants from 15 Arab countries to discuss and exchange experiences on establishing national disaster loss databases.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Arab States

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