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Documents and publications

This brief calls for more research to better understand the linkages between climate change and migration in Morocco and suggests integrating environmental migration as a cross-cutting policy issue within the Moroccan domestic policy. The hosting of the

There is no doubt that the recent Paris agreement produced historic results in terms of bringing governments together to act on climate change. The 16 February afternoon’s event at IFAD, 'Outcomes of COP21 and the Road to COP22', was a forum where presenters and discussants reflected on the process leading up to Paris, and the priority areas for action now that a sustainable framework has been established...
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Documents and publications
The preparation of this National Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the 2013-15 HFA Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and the ISDR partnership.
With the passing of a global climate change agreement on December 12, the World Bank Group is moving quickly to help countries achieve the pledges they have made in Paris. More than 180 countries have submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions(INDC's) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in the run-up to or during its 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) in Paris...
World Bank, the
At a time when many economies are exhausting their natural resources and face constraints exacerbated by climate change, Morocco is setting an example by designing and embracing green growth strategies across sectors. The approach is in synch with the UN SDGs endorsed in September 2015. But Morocco’s commitment to green growth predates the SDGs and has been enshrined in Morocco’s constitution since 2011...
World Bank, the
Photo by Flickr user Meredith Nutting CC BY 2.0
'Extreme weather events, including torrential downpours, have the potential to trigger a massive surge in locust numbers. Rain provides moist soil for the insects to lay their eggs, which in turn need to absorb water, while rains also allow vegetation to grow which locusts need for food and shelter,' said Keith Cressman, FAO Senior Locust Forecasting Officer...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters
Documents and publications

This technical summary of the Arab Sustainable Development Report aims to provide an abridged overview of key points and recommendations drawn from the full report, focusing on: (i) the science-policy interface and evidence-based policy in the Arab region

Documents and publications

This brief gives an overview of the disaster trends and challenges across the Arab region, with a special emphasis on infrastructure, informal settlements, climate change, and cross-cutting issues such as governance, inclusiveness, decentralization and

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