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Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.

Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.

Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.

Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan

Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.

Documents and publications

O presente relatório foi elaborado para ser apresentado à Conferência Internacional de Kobe-Hyogo a ter lugar no Japão em Janeiro de 2005 e o mesmo apresenta informação sobre a situação de risco em Angola.

O relatório dá realce as actividades em curso

Documents and publications

This publication provides 35 good practices and lessons learned as concrete examples of how to make children safer in their classrooms and educate them about disasters.

Documents and publications
This report is the product of close cooperation between UNEP and national environmental authorities and experts. It provides a preliminary ground-level look at the tsunami’s impact on various sectors of the region’s environment. It highlights problems in need of immediate attention, underscoring the strong link between environment and sustainable livelihood and the need for improved early warning and disaster preparedness systems.

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