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For the first time Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has drawn a clear link between heat waves and climate change using the 2024 June heat wave as a key data set.
Conversation Media Group, the
Research briefs
Wilfires not only pose hazards to communities and wildlife with destruction of habits and infrastructure, but also affect public health, as well as impacting solar radiation and albedo feedbacks that link to global temperatures and meteorological cycles.
PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd
AGU Advancing Earth and Space Science
When the Bush Creek East wildfire roared like an engine over the hillside at the edge of his property last August, Karl Bischoff organized three dozen neighbors to fight off the blaze.
Christian Science Monitor
In Canada, our warming planet alters growing conditions, affects crop yields and shifts the types of crops that can be cultivated in different regions of the country.
Western University
Although Indigenous peoples only represent 5 per cent (1.8 million people) of Canada’s population, over 16 per cent of the people internally displaced in Canada in 2023 were Indigenous peoples living in reserves.
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)
According to a 2019 survey, only 8% of Canadian health care facilities acknowledged climate change in their strategic plan or had identified climate risks in specific policies.
The Energy Mix
Wildfires in western and central Canada spread rapidly this week, forcing thousands of people to evacuate, with smoke sweeping into the Midwest and triggering air quality alerts in several states, a reminder of last year’s smoky conditions.
Grist Magazine
In Canada land subsidence, a natural sinking process intensified by human activities like groundwater extraction and wetland destruction, is playing a critical role in the extent to which communities experience impacts from rising seas.
The Energy Mix

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