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La Palma volcanic eruption in 2021
04 Mar 2024
From Haiti to China, a look back at some of the forgotten disasters that struck in 2021.
Coverpage of "Water in the time of drought II: Lessons from droughts around the world"
Documents and publications
This technical note explores drought situations and policies in Spain (including the Canary Islands), Chile, Mexico, the dry corridor between Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, Brazil, and South Africa.
Documents and publications

This publication studies the storms between 1958 and 2017 are in the Canary Islands, in the most important tourist enclaves of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, located in the municipalities of Arona and Adeje (SW of Tenerife) and in San Bartolomé de Tirajana

The Anak Krakatau volcano flank collapse on December 22, 2018 provided a deadly reminder of how vulnerable and unprepared we are when it comes to natural disasters.
University of Rhode Island
Documents and publications

This technical report describes a case study on policy for adaptation to climate change delivered to DG-CLIMA. It is aimed at exploring climate change adaptation scenarios as well as concrete actions to increase climatic resilience in a small European

Documents and publications

This study outlines a participatory scenario building process for small island resilience that was carried out for the Tenerife Island (Canary Islands, Spain). The plot of the scenarios is based on institutional analyses and participatory techniques where

El rector de la Universidad de La Laguna, Antonio Martinón, y la consejera de Política Territorial, Sostenibilidad y Seguridad del Gobierno de Canarias, Nieves Lady Barreto, firmaron un convenio marco de colaboración por el que ambas instituciones se comprometen a reforzar la resiliencia de las ciudades en el contexto de la reducción de desastres.
Universidad de La Laguna
Documents and publications

This book analyses in detail the Geological Hazards potentially catastrophic in the Canary Islands (volcanism, earthquake and flood) and develops a loss assessment model to make a reasonable estimate of the cost of these extraordinary risks that in the

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