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Documents and publications

This paper argues that there is a need for a new policy framing that Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) investment is imperative that will generate dividends for governments and society at large. Under the auspice of the Sendai Framework for disaster risk

Low-lying, small islands of the Pacific are disproportionately at risk of losing land as sea level climbs by an expected 10 inches to 32 inches (26-82 cm) by the late 21st century. The Pacific nation of French Polynesia, looking for a potential lifeline as global warming takes hold, is considering the deployment of floating islands off its coast.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
Documents and publications

This new publication from the World Meteorological Organization provides a wide-ranging description of how small island States and territories in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific regions are using seasonal predictions and other climate information

Documents and publications

This summary provides the Chair’s assessment of the main points of the key issues discussed during the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management, held in Suva, Fiji on 2–4 June 2014.

It presents (i) the findings of a ten-year review of the Hyogo

Documents and publications

This framework outlines the climate change adaptation results to be achieved through the implementation of the six themes: (i) implementing tangible, on-ground adaptation measures; (ii) governance and decision-making; (iii) improving understanding of

Documents and publications

The preparation of this Regional Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the biennial 2011-2013 Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and the ISDR partnership.

The progress report

'La sécurité civile et la sécurité alimentaire sont en jeu, et nous préparons un plan climatique, que nous déposerons au sommet Rio +20, en juin 2012' a déclaré à l'AFP Jacky Bryant, le ministre de l'Environnement de la Polynésie française...
Meteo France
'Ce que nous espérons, c’est qu’en faisant visiter ces projets et nos approches en matière de réduction des impacts des inondations, nos amis des Pays et Territoires d’Outre-mer pourront puiser quelques idées'...
Tahiti Infos

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