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Sunayana Sen, Daraja program manager at Resurgence, speaks to Meteorological Technology International about Africa’s most inclusive – and award-winning – urban weather forecasting and early warning system.
Destruction of Hurricane Beryl
One week after the storm, communities are coming to terms with the full extent of Hurricane Beryl’s destruction. And hurricane season is far from over.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
A worker labouring in the cane fields to harvest sugar cane at Siloah, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
The Abilities Foundation is one of six schools and community centres in Kingston to receive rainwater harvesting tanks courtesy of CityAdapt, an effort led by UNEP to help Caribbean communities contend with climate change.
United Nations Environment Programme
Caribbean private sector
Caribbean islands are in a water crisis, and their governments have warned that water scarcity may become the new norm.
Conversation Media Group, the
A programme to increase Jamaica’s resilience to climate change through enhancing adaptive capacity across priority sectors has been given a budgetary allocation of $6.9 million.
Jamaica Observer, the
Shiny delicious apples hanging from a tree branch in an apple orchard
Key lessons & resources help young male & female farmers & fishers fight climate change impacts.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
A Senegalese woman harvests crop from her farm
With support from the Jamaica Red Cross (JRC), Knockpatrick now uses solar-powered pumps to help harvest and store water for its greenhouse and farm.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
The global failure to reduce fossil fuels is leaving small island states trapped in a constant cycle of fightback against disease and extreme weather.
Guardian, the (UK)

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