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Documents and publications
This publication covers adopting a risk-informed development (RID) perspective as crucial to safeguard development gains, foster resilience, and leave no one behind.
Cover and source: World Bank
Documents and publications
This Drought Resilience Profile for Lesotho provides a snapshot of the drought situation in the country by displaying key indicators of drought resilience, risk and vulnerability as well as a brief summary of the various analytical and technical products.
Cover and source: Global Earthquake Model Foundation
Documents and publications
This seismic risk profile of Lesotho, produced by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation summarizes key metrics of seismic risk, allowing stakeholders in risk management to get an overview of the risk in the country.
Documents and publications
These reports describe WFP's Regional Urban Preparedness Project in Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, focusing activities in 12 urban areas.
Documents and publications
The primary aim of this study was to undertake a review of existing frameworks for climate and environment vulnerability assessments for roads and to adapt these to the Lesotho context in line with Southern African Development Community (SADC) protocol.
Documents and publications
The primary aim of this study was to undertake a review of existing frameworks for climate and environment vulnerability assessments for roads and to adapt these to the Lesotho context in line with Southern African Development Community (SADC) protocol.
Documents and publications
This study analyses international financial flows to nine countries for the 18 months after recent crises—drought, flood, cyclone, earthquake, and epidemic.
Documents and publications
This brief unpacks the disaster management landscape in Lesotho looking at disaster risk financing (DRF) policies – both financial and disbursal mechanisms.

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