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Documents and publications
This publication refers to an initiative aimed at improving people's awareness and knowledge of landslides and their risks.
Women walking on a beach carrying baskets on their heads
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) is launching awards for two categories - women and youth - for their commitment in implementing innovative water solutions.
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Documents and publications
This report offers important insights for policymakers to create gender-inclusive policies in Nepal.
Documents and publications
This paper summarizes and analyzes Nepal's internalization of policy frameworks, the challenges in implementing them, the evolution of disaster risk management and governance concepts, and offers suggestions for building resilience in the Nepalese context
A man cooling himself off under a water pipe in Bajgladesh.
Between May 2023 and May 2024, almost everywhere in the world endured a record number of extreme heat days – some had hundreds. Climate change was responsible for adding, on average, 26 days to a place’s extreme heat day tally.
Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre
Angela Tamrakar
The BIPAD Portal was developed to meet the need to convey information to the community about the technical aspects of engineering that are vital to ensure disaster resiliency.
Nepal’s wildfires are increasing in frequency and intensity. Forest scientists say that Nepalis’ changing relationship with forests is also escalating the incidence of forest fire, but that better fire prediction and preparedness could minimize harm.
Nature International journal of science
Nepal - Badil Lama is an engineer trained in landslide mitigation by building safer roads
Scientists from multiple universities teamed up with the Government of Nepal and Australia to deliver a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence system that can analyse the amount of data needed to identify when rain-soaked ground is about to give-way.
University of Melbourne
University of Florence
Tribhuvan University
Nepal - government
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Australia

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