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Following the devastation caused by Cyclone Winston which landed on February 2016, scientists decided to use information on damages to economic sectors to foster preparedness.
Radio New Zealand International
Documents and publications

This new publication from the World Meteorological Organization provides a wide-ranging description of how small island States and territories in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific regions are using seasonal predictions and other climate information

Documents and publications

This framework outlines the climate change adaptation results to be achieved through the implementation of the six themes: (i) implementing tangible, on-ground adaptation measures; (ii) governance and decision-making; (iii) improving understanding of

Documents and publications

The preparation of this Regional Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the biennial 2011-2013 Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and the ISDR partnership.

The progress report

The integration of women with disabilities in the 2015 development agenda is weak in the Pacific region told Ms Bridget Leduc, Gender Advisor of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community to delegates of the Pacific Regional Women with Disabilities Forum held in Noumea, New Caledonia...
Islands Business International
SPC is taking a cross-cutting approach to climate change adaptation, recognising that tackling just one aspect of an issue is unlikely to lead to long-term sustainable solutions...
Pacific Community
The guide explains how gender roles and responsibilities result in differential exposure to disasters. It encourages disaster risk managers to put on a 'gender lens' and analyse what women and men do in their daily lives, look at how they interact and what specific needs arise out of this, and factor these in every aspect of their work...
United Nations Development Programme - Pacific Centre
Jerry Velasquez, Head of UNISDR for Asia and the Pacific, at the 4th session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management in Noumea, New Caledonia.
UNISDR Chief, Margareta Wahlström, today welcomed a major policy decision by Pacific Island States to help formulate a new international framework on disaster risk reduction to replace the current Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) in 2015.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific

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