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Documents and publications
The report aims to identify key gaps and propose critical actions and policy recommendations that will facilitate the transition towards a ‘green’ economy by 2030.
Early warning
UNDP and UNDRR recently conducted a mapping exercise of early warning system stakeholders across Central Asia to help support a transformational shift in how systems are perceived and integrated into broader resilience-building efforts.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Documents and publications
This manual provides an overview of climate-driven stressors relevant to transport infrastructure in Central Asia and explores adaptation strategies.
Documents and publications
This study is the first to develop food supply and demand projections over the 21st century for Uzbekistan by considering the combined effects of climate change and soil salinization.
A team interviewed nearly two dozen people with disabilities across six villages and several urban neighborhoods in Uzbekistan. The purpose of our fieldwork was to examine climate change vulnerabilities facing persons with disabilities.
World Bank, the
Cover and source: World Bank
Documents and publications
This report explores how climate action, in line with Uzbekistan’s goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2060, interacts with the country’s growth and development path.
Documents and publications
The report reflects the outcomes of a 2.5-day Regional Lessons Learned Workshop in Almaty, Kazakhstan, held from 19-21 July 2023 on disaster risk reduction in relation to women and children.
Documents and publications
Within the nascent field of climate change and disability studies, this report represents one of the first fieldwork-based accounts of how climate change presents heightened risks to persons with disabilities in a developing country context.

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