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Drone image of a river flowing through a dense forest in Vanuatu.
When will the cyclone season start? How active will it be? When should we expect wet season? The ni-Vanuata people use Traditional Knowledge to help answer these questions and forecast climate events. This allows them to prepare for the upcoming seasons.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Documents and publications
The Australia Pacific Climate Partnership commissioned the Economics of Acting Early research to generate evidence on the value of early actions in reducing the impact of climate change and disaster events in the Pacific.
Women walking on Malo Island, Vanuatu
The main cause of the flooding is the improper disposal of rubbish. People do not throw their rubbish in the right place and it’s their carelessness that is blocking the drainage and causing the flooding
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
 Portrait of Flora Vano ActionAid Vanuatu
An inspiring initiative to bolster resilience against climate change in Vanuatu has seen the island nation take proactive steps to harness traditional knowledge within its communities.
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Flora Vano is the Country Manager of ActionAid Vanuatu, an organization that supports local women to become galvanizing and powerful community leaders, particularly in times of crisis such as disasters.
Over the years, Vanuatu's local businesses have put together a wealth of experience, insights, and lessons learned with the support of the OCHA/UNDP Connecting Business initiative, in the hopes that other island nations can learn from them.
Connecting Business initiative
Women walking on Malo Island, Vanuatu
A comprehensive flood management plan and early warning system has been developed by the Vanuatu Klaemet Infomesen blong Redi, Adapt mo Protekt Project (VanKIRAP) to help communities plan for and respond to climate-induced flood events.
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Cover and source: Climatic change (Springer Link)
Documents and publications
The research findings identified different pathways through which women and children’s mental health was compromised in the context of structural violence and climatic risks.

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