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Through a multi-sector, multi-country programmatic financing mechanism, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is using the finance entrusted to it to improve the situation in developing countries by transforming the cooling sector.
Green Climate Fund
Cover and source: Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
Documents and publications
This research aims to investigate the impacts of external interventions on the responsive adaptation process by studying a riverside flood-prone urban slum in Bangladesh.
Dhaka residents wade in floodwater after heavy rains
Anticipatory action is an effective and efficient tool in a world increasingly battered by extreme weather. FAO finds that every dollar invested resulted in up to sevenfold returns through avoided disaster impacts and improved food production.
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - Geneva
Documents and publications
This report analyzes temperature changes in Bangladesh between 1976 and 2023.
In this podcast episode, Rehana Parveen, a Local Resilience Agent (LRA) from Bangladesh, shares how her role as an LRA is helping to build resilience against flooding in her community.
Zurich Climate Resilience Alliance
A group of young Asian women and men standing around a table and working with colorful post-it notes.
Making knowledge systems more diverse to meet the needs of multiple stakeholders and audiences is essential for adaptation.
Climate and Development Knowledge Network
A call center operator in Thiruvananthapuram, India takes a call
UC San Diego’s Teevrat Garg explores how extreme heat affects workforces in low- and middle-income countries.
University of California, San Diego
Documents and publications
This paper discusses how social protection can become more ‘anticipatory’ and make food security more resilient to climate risks.

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