Guinea National Platform

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The National platform aims to develop a spirit of prevention and reduction of disaster risk at the level of all component of society, decision makers until simple citizens.

By 2017, the national platform should do the following goals:

  • The integration of disaster risk reduction into sustainable development policies and planning
  • The development and strengthening of institutions and capacities to build resilience to hazars
  • The systematic incorporation of riskreduction approches into the implementation of emergency prepardness, response and recovery programmes.

Policies and programmes:

The government of Guinea, through a national service of disaster management, has a responsability to establish an environment enabling to populations, communities, and institutions to develop their capacities in order to reduce disaster risks.

The main offices involved in disaster risk reduction are:

  • National service of disaster risk management
  • National direction of meteorologie and hydraulics
  • Nationaldirection of health and sanitation
  • National direction of environment
  • National direction of agriculture
  • National direction of water and forests
  • National direction of habitat
  • National direction of education and research

Disaster reduction focal point:

Oumar Camara is the head of division in the National office of disaster management and environmental emergencies.

Activities in HFA 1:

  • To promote the passage of risk management toward disaster risk reduction
  • To strengthen institutional capacitiesto integrate DRR in the politic and programmes
  • To coordinate DRR in national level
  • To integrate DRR in development programme and poverty reduction strategies
  • To promote DRR decentralisation in local level
  • To develop and strengthen national institutions in charge of DRR

Actitives in HFA 2:

  • To strengthen capacities for alerts
  • To build knowledge andrisk evaluation practics
  • To promote the orientation of early warning systems toward the population preoccupations
  • To integrate underlyng risk factors andother risks in the early warning systems

Activities in HFA 3:

  • To strengthen media capacities for DRR publication
  • To involve DRR into school curricula, formal and non formal education
  • To develop and strengthen scientific institution to document and exhange good practices in DRR
  • To elaborate national statistics and integrate them in under regional DRR networks
  • To support search, training and innovation in DRR by national and international institutions
  • To improve climatic information disseminations and their using in DRR

Activities in HFA 4:

  • To elaborate DRR integration plans in the politic and development secture programmes particularly in agriculture, health and climate change (specialy in dry and floods)
  • To integrate DRR in the secteur of health, hospital and food security

Activities in HFA 5:

  • To strengthen knowledge and the role of disater prepardness in national level
  • To incorporate DRR in the emergency programme
  • To strengthen disaster management capacities: policy, technical, and institutional capacities
  • To incorporate volotarism and participation in DRR
  • To elaborate the national mecanisms for the best response coordinations to disasters
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