Armenia: Children's safety in the heart of Dipecho preparedness work
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) lessons, simulation drills, quizzes, school and home safety planning - all these joint efforts make children and their families more protected and prepared for natural disasters.
The European Commission’s “Supporting Disaster Risk Reduction amongst Institutions and Vulnerable Communities in the South Caucasus” programme encourages schools and communities to participate in preparedness work and stimulates local governments to include them in regular disaster risk reduction work-related planning. ECHO and its partners: Save the Children, Oxfam, Danish Red Cross, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland (ASB), UNICEF and UNISDR work in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan to inspire DRR approaches and education through initiatives saving people’s lives and livelihoods.
In Armenia, ECHO and partners support building resilience of children, their families, schools, communities and systems. Regional and community authorities and school principals are supported with developments and update of school disaster management plans including school fire safety.