Modelling perspective: Challenges in multi-hazard mapping
Subsequently, multi-hazard mapping could not evidently remain safe from this ambiguity. Multi-hazard/ susceptibility maps are used to communicate complex scientific data with stakeholders. These maps serve as a communication tool to support and aid decision-makers by providing valuable information regarding disaster preparedness mitigation measures and informing urban planning and public policy [12]. To avoid single-hazard approaches, many analyses turned to superimposing separately modelled single hazards in a given area, which they are better called a multi-layer single-hazard approach [11], which is similar to the all-hazards-at-a-place approach, causing the same challenges in practice. In this regard, a full multi-hazard assessment/mapping has been encouraged, where the interrelationships of hazards (triggering, amplifying, compound and consecutive events) are also considered.
The final thought: A question mark
Moving beyond only assessing individual hazards is essential to manage natural hazards better. Equally important is gaining insights into the complex interplay between various hazards and their cascading relationships and effects. Since natural hazards do not occur in isolation but often exacerbate each other, leading to compounded effects, the strategies for understanding and mitigating them must also be collaborative, drawing from a wide range of scientific disciplines. When different hazards join forces to unleash significant damage, why should not scientists from various fields do the same? Just as these hazards compound their impact by working in tandem, our response should be equally collaborative, bringing together diverse expertise to tackle the challenge head-on. The fundamental step towards this collaboration is facilitating effective communication by establishing a common language where all different terms, yet conveying more or less the same concept, can be understood when discussing multi-hazards and their impacts on society.
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