As a Least Development Country (LDC) and adhering to UNFCCC commitment, Nepal has already initiated national level policy and institutional responses to mainstream climate change into the development process, reports Acclimatise. The Government is now implementing several initiatives on climate change adaptation aimed at building national, local and sectoral capacities to effectively implement adaptation priorities and action plans. The consideration of sectoral concerns on climate change in planning, budgeting and decision making process are evolving and are at different stages in Nepal.
In order to take a more considered approach and to work towards transformational change within the country’s capacity to address climate change issues, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MoSTE) launched the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) formulation process on 18 September 2015. The launching event was primarily aimed towards facilitating country owned process by coordinating adaptation planning at all relevant scales and with a medium and long-term view.