By Roberto R. Romulo
The key challenge for all is in building a shared scientific understanding of pre- and post-disaster risk in order to jointly develop integrated solutions for national resilience.
Much has been written about the consequences of an earthquake in Metro Manila. MMDA has done as much as can be expected, but again much has to be done. The local governments are the front line and much more support and training will be required. More importantly, the general public must be made more aware of their vulnerabilities. The “Bahala Na” attitude must be transformed to a “Be Prepared” commitment. There are also the estimated four million informal settlers in Metro Manila. They deserve much more attention. One important issue that has not been raised in many discussions is whether Metro Manila will be rebuilt (and where?) after it suffers around P2.4 trillion in damage. Is there a there a plan for the region’s disaster recovery? Who will pay for this plan and how?