Satellite-based real-time monitoring of Himalayan glacial catchments can strengthen early flood warning & minimize disaster risk

Source(s): Doordarshan News
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Satellite-based real-time monitoring of Himalayan glacial catchments would improve understanding of flood risk in the region and help inform an early flood warning system that could help curb disaster and save human lives, says a recent study.


Temperature and the numbers of extreme rainfall events are rising at an increased rate because of climate change. Suitably called Earth's “Third Pole”, the Himalayan region is home to the largest ice mass outside of the planet's Polar Regions. The glaciers in the Himalayas are melting at a faster rate creating new lakes and expanding the existing ones.


In their recent work, the Scientists also point out that the surge of meltwater in mountain streams is most commonly caused by cloud-burst events during the monsoon season (June–July–August) time frame.


The IIT Kanpur team suggests that efforts to help mitigate GLOF events in the future should include the creation of a network of satellite-based monitoring stations that could provide in situ and real-time data on GLOF risk.


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Country and region India
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