How early warning systems helped get funds for Nepal's flood-prone Terai region
By Debabrat Sukla
At the country-level, there has been progress in disseminating early warning information about floods and glacial lake outburst floods. However, Nepal’s national progress report on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action notes that community-based early warning is an important step in developing resilience.
Community-based flood early warning systems (CBFEWS) have been particularly successful in relaying crucial flood risk information in flash flood-prone smaller tributaries. Upstream communities communicate flood warning to downstream communities.
In the 2017 monsoon, life-saving early warning information was shared between an upstream village in Nepal and downstream communities living along the Ratu River in the Koshi basin in Nepal and India.
This gives the municipality more lead time to respond to flood situations and increase emergency preparedness. Satish Singh, TKRM Chairperson, who has been featured on local television speaking of the municipality’s primary developmental needs, realizes that these stopgap measures can only go so far.