Risk Reduction Education for Disasters
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Risk Reduction Education for Disasters, Risk RED, is U.S.-based non-governmental organisation, that has long championed the right of children to safer schools worldwide. Risk RED helps ensure that in hazard-prone regions, a child’s right to safety, survival and education is protected and that communities have the capacity to safeguard these rights.
Risk RED aims to:
Increase the effectiveness and impact of disaster risk reduction education. This is accomplished by bridging the gaps between idea and audience, local and non-local practitioner knowledge, content and design, and research and application.
Work with credible and legitimate international agencies, regional and local partners, research and training institutions, and activists who share our belief in the value of broad and inclusive in-reach and outreach, to share, develop, localize, disseminate and evaluate the effectiveness of public education and outreach materials for disaster risk reduction.
Facilitate information sharing globally by gathering, developing and populating a dynamic, labor-saving, multi-lingual, multiregional, multi-media content management environment for use by organizations active in disaster risk reduction. Ongoing development and design of publications and products will be applied in a digital online environment to enable rapid access to a broad variety of disaster risk reduction educational materials.
Coordinate and collaborate to develop high-quality printed and digital materials, including self-study and instructional curricula, presentations, fact-sheets, booklets, research dissemination reports, posters, games, computer games, toys, models, comics, performing and cultural arts media, press kits, and global and regional marketing strategies for disaster risk reduction education for multiple audiences.
Collaborate to determine, develop and promote good practices in translation, localization of content, and design of a wide range of print and digital media, products, and cultural arts vehicles for risk communications.
Improving the quality of public education materials.
Scaling-up public education for disaster prevention.
Social marketing of disaster prevention.
1. Developing the DREAMS - Disaster Reduction Education Learning Management System to create a shared learning object repository and high quality educational materials for re-use and continuous improvement. Partners will be invited to participate in late 2011.
2. Supporting, promoting and researching the impact of annual community-wide disaster drills to institutionalize disaster prevention and preparedness across generations.
Global Coalition of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction
Coalition for Global School Safety and Disaster Prevention Education
Marla Petal
Ilan Kelman
See #3
See #3
1 Disaster Reduction Education Learning Management System
2. Individual & Family Disaster Prevention and School Disaster Management self-paced distance-learning for Ministry of Education in Turkey
3. Research and evaluation of annual community-wide ShakeOut drills esp. in education sector
4. Resource and policy development support for school disaster management
See #3
See #3
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.