Sustainability Frontiers
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Sustainability Frontiers is a not-for-profit international organization with offices in the United Kingdom and Canada. It engages in research and innovation in the broad fields of education for sustainability and global education, transgressing dominant assumptions and current orthodoxies as it seeks to foster learner empowerment and transformative agency. It places particular emphasis on climate change and disaster risk reduction and their implications for the nature, scope and directions of sustainability education.
Sustainability Frontiers focuses upon developing disaster risk reduction curriculum, teaching and learning as well as school-wide and system-wide approaches using a five dimensional model. Taken together, the five dimensions scope out a full and systematic treatment of what DRR learning involves:
- Dimension 1: Understanding the Science and Mechanisms of Natural Disasters
- Dimension 2: Learning and Practicing Safety Measures and Procedures
- Dimension 3: Understanding Risk Drivers and How Hazards Can Become Disasters
- Dimension 4: Building Community Risk Reduction Capacities
- Dimension 5: Building an Institutional Culture of Safety and Resilience
- Integration of DRR across the curriculum at primary and secondary school level
- Cumulative reinforcement of DRR learning through the grade levels
- Development and progression of DRR learning outcomes and competencies
- Interactive, student-centered DRR pedagogy
- Development of DRR learning programs, activities and programs
- Development of summative and formative modes of DRR student learning assessment
- Teacher facilitation of DRR learning in classroom, school and community
- Teacher professional development in DRR education
- School as a DRR learning community (developing a whole-school DRR culture and ethos)
- Connecting DRR learning to school disaster management and safe school facilities
- Scaling up and mainstreaming DRR curriculum
- Monitoring and Evaluating (M&E) DRR curriculum and pedagogical development
- DRR education baseline and impact research
- All of the above for climate change education (CCE)
- Linking DRR and CCE within ESD for quality education (including life skills and child-friendly learning)
- Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
- World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)
- Undertaking DRR/CCE educational research and development consultancies
- Carrying out DRR/CCE curriculum and pedagogical development projects
- Developing formal, informal and non-formal DRR/CCE learning activity programs
- Developing DRR/CCE teacher education programs
- Facilitating DRR/CCE teacher training and professional development
- Writing articles, books and technical reports (professional and academic)
Sustainability Frontiers
Education and climate change living and learning in interesting times
'Teacher training in climate change education is in its infancy' - UNESCO
Climate Change in the Classroom: UNESCO Course for Secondary Teachers on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development
Disaster risk reduction in school curricula: Case studies from thirty countries
(In English)
(In Portuguese)
Towards a Learning Culture of Safety and Resilience: Technical Guidance on DRR in the School Curriculum. Pilot Version.
- DRR educational policy and strategic development at national and sub-national levels (see forthcoming UNESCO/UNICEF technical guidance to governments on DRR in the school curriculum written by Sustainability Frontiers)
- Development of learner-centred risk and capacity assessment activities in school and community
- Integration of DRR across the primary and secondary school curriculum
- Development of DRR pedagogy
- Development of DRR student learning outcomes
- Development of DRR student learning assessment modes
- Development and facilitation of DRR teacher education programs
- Development of DRR learning/teaching materials
- DRR curriculum baseline and impact research and 'state-of-the-art' mapping studies (see, especially
- DRR program implementation evaluation
- All of the above for climate change education (CCE)
- Linking DRR and CCE within ESD for quality education (including life skills and child-friendly learning)
- Development of learning activities and processes enabling learners to analyze and act upon fundamental factors driving risk
- Development of learning activities and processes addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation
- Development of learning activities and processes enabling learners to practice safety measures and procedures
SF operates under seven interrelated themes:
- Climate Change Education
- Emergency Education and Disaster Risk Reduction Education
- The Education for Sustainability/Education for All Interface
- Widening the Scope of Sustainability Education
- Bio-centric Education
- Bio-regional Education
- A Multi-dimensional Epistemology for Sustainability Education
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.