United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
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UNAIDS has five focus areas for a more effective global response to AIDS: mobilizing leadership and advocacy for effective action on the epidemic; providing strategic information and policies to guide efforts in the AIDS response worldwide; tracking, monitoring and evaluation of the epidemic - the world’s leading resource for AIDS-related epidemiological data and analysis; engaging civil society and developing partnerships; mobilizing financial, human and technical resources to support an effective response
Disaster Reduction Goal
National, subregional and international policies adopted to incorporate AIDS disaster preparedness, risk reduction, awareness, prevention, care and treatment plans and interventions in conflict and post conflict, humanitarian crisis and natural disaster situations.
- The international standards to include the response to HIV/AIDS in the humanitarian response are given by the IASC Guidelines to Adress HIV in Humanitarian Settings developed to assist humanitarian and AIDS organizations to plan the delivery of a minimum set of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services to people affected by humanitarian crises.
- The Programmes in DDR focus on the integration the response to HIV/IADS for refugees, internally displaced persons, surrounding host populations, and cross-border migrant and mobile populations into national policies, strategies, consolidated appeals and other coordinating tools and programmes in conflict and disaster-affected countries.
- Member of the IASC Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV in Humanitarian Settings.
- Member of REDLAC (Risk, Emergency and Disaster Working Group for Latin American and the Caribbean)
Goverments, Civil Soicety, International Organizations, NGOs and other relevant humanitarian stakeholders.
Support the integration of the response to HIV/AIDS into National Plans for preparedness, response and recovery in emergency situations.
Integration of the response to HIV/AIDS in Rapid Needs Assessment Tools
- Ensure HIV prevention information is included in all formal and non-formal education methods
- Train teachers and auxiliary staff on HIV, sexual
violence and exploitation, and life skills
- Facilitate access to education for children affected and
infected by HIV
- Establish systems to monitor, supervise and respond
to violence and abuse and HIV-related stigma and
- Review existing laws and policies concerning people
living with HIV and key populations at higher risk of
exposure to HIV
- Promote and advocate access to HIV-related services
for people living with HIV and key populations at
higher risk of exposure to HIV
- Ensure training for standard precautions, blood
safety and waste management
- Provide guidance to people living with HIV on
treatment adherence and on counselling and
establish confi dential registers and medication cards
- Ensure that system acuity management includes HIV
health mapping
- Conduct assessment on key populations at higher
risk of exposure to HIV
- Train community health workers on HIV
- Ensure a buffer stock of commodities and treatment
Advise people living with HIV on where and how
to access services if a natural disaster or complex
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.