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  • Jaana Koverola
    Jaana Koverola
    Oh, I'm so sorry, forgot to say 'hello' to everybody! Had to think so hard about the language. I'm from Finland.
    April 2013
  • Jaana Koverola
    Jaana Koverola
    The weather scores are based on our whole solar system and the large and thorough background research for this wholeness is made by Dr. Rudolf Steiner for a hundred years ago. The local utilization of the weather scores requires preceding local work: observing and studying for some time, for learning to know how the local elements of nature correspond with the colours of the weather scores. However, this is not difficult and it can be easily made by students, for example.
    April 2013
  • Jaana Koverola
    Jaana Koverola
    A significant difficulty in DRR is often the short notice before different disasters. If a risk for certain disasters would be better in sight in advance, it could perhaps enhance collaboration between citizen groups and local governments for effective risk reduction? The Kvintiili Association of Extended Natural Science has during 16 years developed so called “weather scores”, which can show us risky periods in different areas for months or even years in advance. There one can see, where severe storms, floods, drought or frost are more liable, and we are studying also earthquakes or volcan eruptions. Please visit .
    April 2013
  • Jaana Koverola
    April 2013
  • Ivan Petiteville
    April 2013
  • Jostacio Lapitan
    April 2013
  • Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi
    Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi
    Hello everyone, thank you for joining this on-line dialogue. Please post your comments, views, opinions, etc. if you have not done so. Thank you!
    April 2013
  • Judith Galvez
    April 2013
  • Kolawole AMUSAT
    April 2013
  • Eiko Wataya
    Eiko Wataya joined.
    April 2013
  • Din Kimsrean
    Din Kimsrean joined.
    April 2013
  • Abelina Caro ILarraza
    April 2013
  • Gloria Bratschi
    April 2013
  • Fadi Hamdan
    Fadi Hamdan joined.
    April 2013
  • Favio CABELLO
    Favio CABELLO
    Buenos dias. Como se habrán enterado ya por la prensa, ayer se produjo una precipitación extraordinaria en Buenos Aires, cayeron 195mm en una ciudad de más dd 4 millones de habitantes. Unas 350 mil personas fueron afectadas directamente y 8 fallecieron. La capital argentina lamentablemente no cuenta con una politica de Prevención y/o de Reducción ante estos riesgos. Esto es lo que reclamamos, que los gobiernos tomen conciencia de la problemática pues en ellos está el Nivel de Gestión de Riesgos, por más esfuerzos que haya en la sociedad civil, si los gobiernos no asumen como propia la problemática no hay avances posibles... lic. Favio CABELLO Director de la Oficina de Prevención ante Desastres de la ciudad de Posadas en Argentina.
    April 2013
  • Cecilia Maruta
    April 2013
  • Maegan Thompson
    April 2013
  • Theofrenz Cayambas
    April 2013
  • Marcela Godoy
    April 2013
  • Johny SARKER
    Johny SARKER joined.
    April 2013
    So what to do? Its necessary do permanent action arising under a program of investment with returning on economic and social benefits. Environmental and natural conservation is part of social benefits. And how can that be done?? For example: Using service facilities companies: as water, telecommunications, roads, electricity, etc. that will modernize the requirements relating to the management of risk and the villagers are shareholders around mixed economic processes (eg. public-private):
    April 2013
    And more.. Governments should create precise incentives for risk management actions e implementation in all activities including the planning with risk management. Just as population growth, ie if a resident develops housing with environmental criteria and risk reduction can then be reasoned with compensation taxes, and have greater access to social benefits, etc. Plan the establishment of safe areas, it is necessary to consider a safe territories established land where people can move in disaster, and while not events occurs could form part of a tourist land, etc., with the basic conditions and environmentally most beautiful: A kind of urban reserve with ecological component. It is necessary to face no conventional manners to teach and make a conscious the importance of DRR in specific and specifics examples of life. It’s very necessary benefit population in new forms of life that does not destroy the planet more.
    April 2013
    Why there are public and private institutions that not invest in DRR ? Because, they operate as if life followed the normal cycle and not the disaster and don’t understand the news and efforts being made in the change climate disasters. Most of them didn`t see personally the suffering and in the case the considering the DRR is because they gain finantial support. Most of the actions done is during Disasters Event, where people claim help, or where more specific operational actions by demands of social groups are during the occurrence of the events but once happened the actions are finished. So what to do? Its necessary do permanent action arising under a program of investment with returning on economic and social benefits. Environmental and natural conservation is part of social benefits. And how can that be done?? For example: Using service facilities companies: as water, telecommunications, roads, electricity, etc. that will modernize the requirements relating t
    April 2013
  • Jon Pietersen
    April 2013
    April 2013
  • Kit Sinclair
    Kit Sinclair joined.
    April 2013
  • Gunter Ceuppens
    April 2013
  • bikram manandhar
    bikram manandhar
    Disaster affects all but poor, old and children are more vulnerable. In context of Nepal, young people migrate from home town to capital/abroad for study/foreign job, leaving old and child at home to cope with the entire situation, including natural disaster. Regarding local governance we have village development committee at local level and district development committee at district level after central government who looks after over all development and management of local level, from last 15 years, it is not in well function. So, I think to improve disaster risk reduction at local level young people should be attract to live at their own place, building resilient society. And there should be representation of local people in local governance and requires proper implementation of bye-laws. (For example: we know Kathmandu as hot spot of Earthquake, which is also one of the most crowded cities where haphazard construction and landuse going on)
    April 2013
  • Brendan Nelson
    April 2013
  • Walter Svekla
    April 2013
  • Juan Perez
    Juan Perez joined.
    April 2013
  • jose manuel marin
    April 2013
  • Parvez Ghias
    Parvez Ghias joined.
    April 2013
  • Mohammad Fareed Waqfi
    Mohammad Fareed Waqfi
    Bad governance and corruption are the most important obstacle against building the resilience of Nations and communities to disasters, this is why the corrupted governments and institution use DRR as a tool to get funds and full their own packets instead to invest on DRR. So it is a big challenge to build resilience to disasters, but it is not impossible it need patient and hardworking with community and other levels.
    April 2013
  • Achyut Luitel
    Achyut Luitel
    Greetings! I am Achyut Luitel from Nepal. I work for Practical Action, a UK based INGO as the Regional Director of Nepal and SA Programme. Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries. Through technology we enable poor communities to build on their skills and knowledge to produce sustainable and practical solutions - transforming their lives and protecting the world around them. One of our works has focused around reducing vulnerability, particulalry in the Disaster Risk Reduction sector. I am happy to share Practical Action's experiences from the region.
    April 2013
  • Mohammad Fareed Waqfi
    Mohammad Fareed Waqfi
    All three topics are very important for DRR. I thing for building the resilience of Nations and communities to disaster they have to work together (community, local government and at the national level). However it is very important and crucial that all our attention must be toward the building of community inability. I means if we want to have impact of DRR, we cannot ignore any lever from national to local level, but it is important that their focus toward people centred is a must. Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) could be a good strategy to address the DRR but it need to be adopted according to local contexts and very importantly it need to be understand at the different level from national to local. If they understand the concept of CBDRM they will integrate the strategy into the Country Nation Development Strategy. So Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters is a big challenge as it need to communicate with government at the national level.
    April 2013
  • Achyut Luitel
    April 2013
  • Mohammad Fareed Waqfi
    Mohammad Fareed Waqfi
    April 2013
  • Mohammad Fareed Waqfi
    April 2013
  • N.M. Verma
    N.M. Verma
    and speak with confidence that they will make family disaster management plans to protect lives and means of livelihood with guidance provided by Saritsa Foundation. Sex worker women of Malwanni Nagar Mumbai could use the local resources and skills developed by the team members of Saritsa Foundation to protct in floods of 2005 in Mumbai. It is most important humanitarian aid dimension where people learn to develop science of Safety Culture and Resilience- A RIGHT TO LIFE SECURITY yet, least emotive for donors and others to sensitize it. Point of importance here to be taken care is taking disaster risk reduction mission to local people and seeking there willing partnership, making them recognise the role and responsibility to build capacity is their duty also. Local goverments have to be bsupporters in this mission and not drivers for the mission as sole owners of DRR. This change of heart and mind is going to be way forward for future.
    March 2013
  • N.M. Verma
    N.M. Verma
    GOOD MORNING AND GREETINGS FROM SARITSA FOUNDATION INDIA. I am Director General of Saritsa Foundation. It is a Mobile University for Disaster Risk Reduction and climate change. It empowers women,children,disabled and common citizens in INDIA who are most vulnerable in disasters in 18 disaster prone states of INDIA. Saritsa Foundation has so far provided .2.10 million people an access to information,education and training to protect lives and means of livelihood. Most heartening inspirations have been when a visually impaired young women NEELAM of National Association for Blinds Association, Mumbai, INDIA says that I am thankful to the team of Saritsa Foundation for giving me an opportunity to develop skills and confidence to protect myself in disaters and pass on this knowledge to my friends and family members. Also,disadvantaged and marginalized women-scheduled caste,tribal,muslim and christian minority in urban pockets of Mumbai, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, or Patna, or Goa get inspired
    March 2013
  • Victoria Pineda
    March 2013
  • N.M. Verma
    N.M. Verma joined.
    March 2013
  • Favio CABELLO
    Favio CABELLO
    Digo que debería existir en cada país una política unificada en materia de RRD, en donde los niveles de la Gestión de Riesgo sean conformados por dirigentes concientizados con la probalemática a enfrentar. Esto no sucede siempre, es mas, ni siquiera existen estructuras de gestión de Riesgo. Otra de las tareas es "bajar" la problemática al nivel social, llevando el conocimiento al común de la gente, de cuales son los riesgos, sus consecuencias y cuáles son las medidas de prevención que tenemos que adoptar para salvar vidas y bienes. Capacitaciones, programas y spot mediáticos, publicaciones, etc. todo sirve y ayuda. Cada comunidad tiene su propia problemática a enfrentar, la cual debe hacerse con la mayor organización posible.
    March 2013
  • Favio CABELLO
    Favio CABELLO
    Hola a todos. Desde la ciudad de Posadas, capital de la provincia de Misiones en Argentina los saludo afectuosamente. En primer lugar quiero resaltar la tarea que viene llevando a cabo la Estrategia Internacional para la Reduccion de Riesgo de Desastres con sus Regionales, que permite comenzar a "abrir las mentes" de quienes son los responsables de la Gestión del Riesgo, pués ellos son quienes tienen el poder de decisión en la Prevención y el Desastre. Entonces es positivo que desde las NNUU se implemente esta politica a nivel mundial despertando el interés de los dirigentes de los Gobiernos federales y Locales. En segundo lugar mi experiencia en el área prevención, me permite reflexionar sobre puntos prioritarios a tener en cuenta en toda politica destinada a la Reducción del Riesgo por Desastres RRD. Debería existir en cada país una política unificada en materia de RRD, en donde los niveles de Gestión de Riesgo sean conformados por dirigentes concientizados con la problem
    March 2013
  • Favio CABELLO
    March 2013
  • Trent Thompson
    March 2013
  • Olusola Ige-Olumide
    March 2013
  • Sarah Wade-Apicella
    March 2013
  • Yogesh Jadhao
    March 2013

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