Pios Ncube

  • Pios Ncube
    Pios Ncube
    The discussion on DRR and Climate change as well as severity of climatic hazards is an interesting one. Well the fact of the matter is that the climate has already changed and the severity of weather related hazards has been increasing with devastasting intensities. The main challenge in Zimbabwe and in SADC as a whole is that, the science of climate change, climate variability and disaster risk reduction is still not understood well. Policy makers in Zimbabwe still believe and operate in the reaction mode; where weather related hazards are still seen as 'natural disasters' or 'acts of God'; where nothing can be done by humans to prevenrt or reduce the impact. Most if not all, government services, Non government and the United Nations agencies work in Zimbabwe is aimed at addressing consequences of such weather related hazards instead of focusing on root causes and strengthening of institutions such as early warning systems. There is need to bridge knowledge gap
    December 2012
  • Pios Ncube
    Pios Ncube joined.
    August 2012

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August 2012
Last Active
December 2012
