Christian Njoku

  • Christian Njoku
    Christian Njoku
    Hi every one, conflict and disaster has redirected the attention of all concerned human beings living in the only planet of ours, but the most annoying challenge is the man made and built up situations, while concerted efforts are made to curb the menace, disgruntled and misguided elements continue with such inhuman and atrocious activity that is forbidden before God and man, discussion must be followed by action to seeing to effective eradication of this impending global nightmare, I'm personally troubled that church, were God is worshiped has turn to a place were bombs are traded, what else do we do, than to pass a law of capital punishment against such evil perpetrators .
    September 2012
  • Christian Njoku
    Christian Njoku joined.
    September 2012

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September 2012
Last Active
December 2012


Movement for protection of the African Child (MOPOTAC)
Non-Governmental Organization