Ayse Sennur Ulugonul

  • Ayse Sennur Ulugonul
    Ayse Sennur Ulugonul
    I am joining from Istanbul, Turkey as Disaster Manager Consultant in a private company, mostly working on Community based DRR topics for ISMEP project (İstanbul Siesmic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project) The company is one of the contractor companies on community based DRR consultancy of ISMEP since 2009. The area is mostly community trainings, awareness compaigns, İnternational Conference Organizations, Theater Play for primary school children etc. Besides that we are giving consultance services for İstanbul Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate. Mr. Ozan Cilgin is at the online dialogues session and from the same Company, Beyaz Gemi Ltd. We would like to share our experiences on demand with you all. Thank you.
    August 2012
  • Ayse Sennur Ulugonul
    Ayse Sennur Ulugonul joined.
    August 2012

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August 2012
Last Active
September 2012


Beyaz Gemi Consulting Ltd.