Achieving impact where it matters: a joint statement by civil society coalitions on the implementation of the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction
This join statement by Civil Society Coalitions outlines the commitments that governments and civil society organizations should make to ensure that policies are translated into meaningful solutions at the local level. To achieve that, the statement gives three main recommendations: (i) Empower local communities to manage disaster risk, (ii) Enhance accountability (iii) Make DRR a development and humanitarian priority. This proposed approach involves working together with governments and other stakeholders.
Finally, the statement proposes ten essentials to enhance real impact at the local level: (i) Understand local perspectives of risk; (ii) Consider the local context, (iii) Leave no one behind; (iv) Collaborate; (v) Mobilise local resources; (vi) Align across policies, (vii) Hold people to account; (viii) Learn from the past and look to the future; (ix) Be environmentally aware; (x) Recognise the potential of civil society.