Anticipatory action: The enabling environment
This summary report and its associated in-depth case studies explore what constitutes an enabling environment for anticipatory action at the national level. Risk-informed approaches need to be country-led and embedded across national systems, in order to take anticipatory/early action to scale at a global, regional, and national level. This report also looks at some of the current ongoing anticipatory action work by REAP Partners, and examples of collaboration. Given the proliferation of initiatives within countries, there needs to be a space for information exchange, shared learning and engagement with government counterparts. The report reviews examples of development and resilience projects present in each country that have a relationship with a component of anticipatory action, e.g. forecasting or social protection.
The REAP 3W Mapping Working Group examined the national, regional and global legislative frameworks and initiatives, and financing and delivery mechanisms that act as enablers and potential entry points to take early action to scale in ten countries: Ethiopia, Fiji, Guatemala, Jamaica, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, and the Philippines. Though contexts differ across and within countries, the in-depth analysis of these ten case studies draws a number of conclusions that are relevant for policymakers and practitioners at the global, regional and national levels.