Citizen science for disasters
This toolkit provides guidance to a broad range of community groups (e.g., volunteer or faith-based institutions, social service organizations, private or other nonprofit organizations) on designing and implementing disaster citizen science projects. It is primarily directed toward groups that are interested in creating and leading their own projects, small or large, rather than supporting projects carried out by others.
The goal of this toolkit is to provide guidance to community groups about engaging with disaster citizen science.The toolkit was developed because of the growing threat to communities posed by all types of disasters, large and small, both manmade and natural, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, oil and gas spills, chemical contamination, climate change, and pandemics. The guidance throughout is not disaster-specific. The toolkit was designed for use by a broad range of community groups (e.g., volunteer or faith-based institutions, social service organizations, advocacy organizations, private or other non- profit organizations). It may also have relevance for informal groups of individuals who quickly come together to pursue citizen science.