Climate adaptation in the EU – Action not keeping up with ambition
The objective of this audit was to assess the EU's climate adaptation framework and funding and how they address the impacts of climate change in the EU. It examined whether EU and national strategies and plans provided a sound framework for climate adaptation, and whether they covered reporting arrangements and awareness of strategies, plans and EU tools at local level. It also analysed whether a selection of EU adaptation projects from the 2014-2020 period contributed to climate adaptation effectively. Our audit scope did not include EU actions and support for climate adaptation outside the EU.
Based on the findings, the authors recommend that the Commission:
- improve reporting on climate adaptation through common indicators to measure progress and follow up on the weaknesses identified;
- better develop and promote the EU tools for climate adaptation to increase their usage and promote knowledge sharing;
- ensure that all relevant EU-funded projects are adapted to the current and future climate conditions, strengthening promotion of long-term solutions for climate adaptation.