Climate change adaptation and resilience in the UK
This briefing explains the targets for climate change adaptation in the United Kingdom, the current policy approach, and an overview of progress. The briefing provides an overview of the legislation, targets and governance that underpin adaptation in the UK, the current mechanisms and policy approach, and an overview of progress. It also sets out current adaptation action across key areas, including stakeholder commentary on this progress.
Under the Climate Change Act 2008, the UK is legally required to adapt to climate change. The government is required to produce a climate change risk assessment to identify risks and a five-yearly national adaptation programme setting out how it will address these risks. The third National Adaptation Programme (NAP3) was published in July 2023, and sets out actions that the government will take over the next five year covering the period from 2023 to 2028. These actions include plans to increase the resilience of infrastructure to increasing temperature extremes, investment in the natural environment and shifts in crops and agriculture, changes that will need to be made to the built environment to protect public health, and shifts in business practices. Wider cross-cutting risks include impacts and adaptations required for supply chains, trade and finance.