Climate change, disasters, and human mobility in South Asia: Outcome report
This report summarizes the outcomes and technical discussions of the Nansen Initiative South Asia Regional Civil Society Meeting taking place in Kathmandu, Nepal 2-3 February 2015.
The overall objectives of South Asia Civil Society Meeting were to:
- Develop a better understanding of the human mobility dynamics linked to natural hazards in South Asia;
- Identify good practices, at regional and community levels, in establishing mechanisms for climate change adaptation, disaster preparedness, building resilience and responding to and managing displacement risks; and
- Identify key protection concerns for people displaced or moving within their countries or across borders in disaster contexts, and assess the relevance and appropriateness of existing policies, strategies and normative frameworks.
Recommendations based on the discussions during the meeting include:
- Improve and develop trans-boundary early warning systems and other mechanisms for regional information sharing as a means to prevent and prepare for displacement.
- Incorporate human mobility issues within national and regional disaster risk management and climate change adaptation strategies and plans.
- Mainstream disaster risk reduction lessons learned in training for government officials and civil servants, as well as in coursework for those studying business and management at universities.
- Develop education based disaster risk reduction activities, including creation of national curriculum, as a means to prevent displacement.