Climate-related security risks and peacebuilding in Somalia
This policy paper offers a glimpse into the future of peacebuilding in times of climate change by looking at the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). Torn apart by multiple conflicts over the last three decades, Somalia is among the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world.
This paper is one of the first detailed studies into the effects of climate change on UN peacebuilding efforts and their associated responses. It is guided by the following two overarching questions:
How is climate-related environmental change in Somalia and the Horn of Africa hindering the successful implementation of the UNSOM mandate?
How has UNSOM integrated the challenges stemming from climate-related environmental change into its ongoing operations?
This policy paper shows that climate change affects the work of UNSOM in multiple ways, and that there are several notable responses to the increasing challenges. Based on an understanding of these risks and challenges, the paper outlines ways to improve policy responses and transform climate risks into opportunities for UN peacebuilding in the context of the sustaining peace agenda, as outlined by the UN Secretary-General.