Country risk profile: Kazakhstan
This disaster risk profile for Kazakhstan collates information on flood, earthquake and infectious disease exposure, hazards, physical and social vulnerability, coping capacity, historical losses and impacts, and risk analysis. Much of this information is being collated on a regionally consistent basis for the first time. This includes cutting-edge flood, earthquake, and infectious disease modeling. These profiles are accompanied by a separate technical note which details the data and methodologies used, and discusses appropriate limitations.
TA-9878 REG: Developing a Disaster Risk Transfer Facility in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Region aims at developing regional disaster risk financing solutions for CAREC member states. It provides high-level disaster risk profiles for all CAREC member states for earthquake, flood, and infectious disease risk. The TA will then design and pilot a bespoke regional disaster risk transfer facility. This is to support CAREC member states in their management of disaster risk.