Country risk profile: Marshall Islands
The Republic of the Marshall Islands is expected to incur, on average, 3 million USD per year in losses due to earthquakes and tropical cyclones. In the next 50 years, the Republic of the Marshall Islands has a 50% chance of experiencing a loss exceeding 53 million USD and casualties larger than 50 people, and a 10% chance of experiencing a loss exceeding 160 million USD and casualties larger than 150 people. The risk analysis featured in this profile is based on a simulation model of potential storms and earthquakes that may affect the country in the future.
This series of country risk profiles offer support to multiple applications that benefit both public and private stakeholders. These risk profiles can inform urban and development planning, the development of disaster risk financing and insurance solutions and ex ante budget planning options to increase the financial resilience, and in more targeted interventions for community-based disaster risk management and climate change adaptation actions.