Forecast-based financing in Eastern Africa
In Africa, Asia and Latin America WFP is working with national and sub-national governments to implement the Forecast-based Financing (FbF) approach which links early-warning systems with contingency plans and pre-positioned finance to mitigate and/ or prevent the impact of predictable emergencies on the most vulnerable. This brochure is specifically focused on how the FbF approach in eastern Africa is enabling risk-informed systems to reduce increasing food insecurity due to extreme weather and climate events.
Forecast-based Financing (FbF) is a climate-risk financing approach that can be integrated with other disaster risk-financing initiatives to mitigate potential impacts of a severe weather and climate event. The overall objective of the FbF approach is to proactively reduce the impact of climate hazards by connecting early-warning systems to prepositioned anticipatory finance and pre-agreed anticipatory actions that protect lives, livelihoods and development gains of the most vulnerable populations in the eastern Africa region