Germany: Action plan of the Federal Foreign Office for humanitarian adaptation to climate change
This action plan is intended for the development and and testing of innovative approaches in four to six high-risk pilot countries with the aim of improving the use of scientific extreme weather forecasts and developing specific actions that are based on early warning mechanisms.
The German Red Cross (GRC) coordinates the implementation of the action plan and already works together with a multitude of actors at different levels on the subject of climate change in a humanitarian context.
The action plan includes the following focal points:
- Creating a dialogue platform in Geneva for improved interaction between climate scientists and humanitarian actors, for the use of synergies and as a critical support of pilot projects.
- Implementing pilot projects in four to six high-risk countries in order to combine climate risk analyses, improve the use of extreme weather forecasts, identify forecast indicators for improved early warning systems and to develop special preparedness measures (SOPs) to respond to improved early warnings.
- Developing an innovative mechanism to finance preparedness measures (SOPs) based on indicators for climate risks and their forecasts (Federal Foreign Office).
- Supporting the Nansen Initiative which works in the area of climate change and disaster-induced displacement.
- Continuing the paradigm shift in humanitarian assistance as part of the renewed Hyogo Framework for Action 2015 and the preparation of the World Humanitarian Summit 2016.