Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP): Horn of Africa
This document presents the European Commission's Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO)'s implementation plan for humanitarian assistance in the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Uganda) in order to build resilience to food insecurity and malnutrition and to avoid the repetition of large-scale disasters such as the 2011 humanitarian crises. It (i) addresses the conflict, drought and displacement situations; (ii) analyses the humanitarian needs by country and by sector, including food security, nutrition, WASH, health, protection and disaster risk reduction; and (iii) presents the humanitarian response and involvement following two strategic objectives, including the strengthening of local resilience is through disaster risk reduction activities.
It also includes an overview of (iv) the coordination and transition of DG ECHO assistance framework; (v) financial and operational details; and (vi) the implementation status. The document states that the level of preparedness to face possible humanitarian consequences and the early warning systems are better than in 2010/2011 but the humanitarian community has to continue supporting preparedness actions and be ready to respond to rising of malnutrition rates, water shortages and new influx of refugees.