International donor activity on climate change mitigation and adaptation in the G5 Sahel countries
This review provides a snapshot of current adaptation and mitigation projects being implemented by multilateral and bilateral donors in the G5 countries of the Sahel. Although not a systematic review, the research for this review has methodically examined key multilateral donor websites and bilateral donor websites for information on each of the G5 countries and climate change programmes. The review has focused on programmes currently being implemented or that have been completed in the last two years or so. Therefore, the review is not exhaustive; it has particularly focused on programmes that have impact evaluations and reviews in order to identify lessons learned. Its focus is limited to programmes that are explicitly related to climate adaptation or mitigation.
This review is organised into six sections, one for each of the G5 Sahel countries (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger) and another section for regional programmes (those that include two or more of the G5 Sahel countries). Each section has been further split into multilateral programmes and bilateral programmes, with projects organised alphabetically by implementing agency for multilateral programmes and by donor for bilateral programmes.