Kiribati: Joint implementation plan for climate change and disaster risk management (KJIP) 2014-2023
The Government of the Republic of Kiribati, following consultation with regional technical advisory organisations, initiated the process of developing a Kiribati Joint National Action Plan on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management (KJIP) in 2011. This document is designed to complement the National Disaster Risk Management Plan (GoK 2012b) and the National Framework for Climate Change and Climate Change Adaptation (GoK 2013). By identifying tangible, on-the-ground actions for resilience and measures that enable the Government to facilitate these, the plan will guide the implementation of these complementary policies in an integrated approach.
The main rationale for this approach is that a systematic and integrated plan, where tangible actions are identified, will maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of existing capacities and resources as well as ensuring new initiatives are well targeted and have maximum impact. In addition, the development of this plan was seen as a key vehicle for integration of climate change and disaster risks into all sectors, thus promoting a holistic approach that involves the cooperation of Government, civil society and the private sector.