Leveraging the national adaptation plan process for adaptation communications
The purpose of this report is to highlight opportunities for countries to leverage the results of NAP processes for preparing AdComs, making strategic use of an AdCom for boosting the profile and visibility of adaptation progress and needs without creating undue additional reporting burden. It draws on experiences from the NAP Global Network’s support to 22 countries to build on their NAP processes to prepare their first AdComs.
The NAP Global Network’s experiences partnering with countries to help prepare their AdComs yielded the following key lessons.
• Though voluntary, AdComs can have significant strategic value—NAP teams should consider how to make use of them to best advance their goals on adaptation and their NAP processes.
• NAP teams should involve consultation as part of the process to develop the AdCom, even while avoiding undue reporting burdens.
• If countries choose to include an adaptation chapter in their next enhanced or updated NDCs or BTRs, they can look to AdCom elements and guidance, as well as how peer countries have approached their AdComs.