MDG Gap Task Force report 2015: taking stock of the global partnership for development
This report takes stock of recent achievements and gaps in the implementation of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 8. As has been reported throughout the monitoring process undertaken by the more than 30 organizations that comprise the Task Force, there have been significant positive developments pointing to an effective international effort to realize agreed targets during the MDG period, but several deficits in international cooperation for development have continuously highlighted the need for a rejuvenation of the global partnership for development.
The report hightlights some debt sustainibility initiatives such as the Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust established by the IMF Executive Board to provide grants for debt relief to the poorest and most vulnerable countries hit by catastrophic natural disasters or public health disasters. Regarding access to new technologies, the report highlights that increasing the access to early warning systems for disaster risk reduction has been an important target of the disaster risk reduction frameworks, adopted by the international community. Improvements in risk monitoring and forecasting, satellite data quality, and increased computer power and connectivity have resulted in a transformation of early warning systems across the globe. Mobile phone coverage has dramatically increased the potential to disseminate timely warnings directly to those at risk and to support peer-to-peer warning.