Moldova: Anenii Noi Raion: Area-based risk assessment
This Area Based Risk Assessment aims to identify the potential for disasters, exposed population and their vulnerabilities to disasters, and estimate impact, so protective measures can be taken to reduce damage and harm to the population and environment. Natural, industrial, and environmental hazards pose a significant risk to the life and health of the local population, and to the resilience and supply of essential service delivery systems.
The key findings of the publication include:
- Average monthly temperatures have seen an increase, and monthly precipitation has increased in cooler months, but decreased in warmer months.
- Anenii Noi Raion relies on chernozem-type soils (luvic, calcic, and haplic) for agriculture, and if these soils are to become drier, the soil quality and health may deteriorate. This may lead to lowered crop yields or crops that are in poorer health.
- Overall, rural communities are more exposed to natural hazards and have higher rates of social and economic vulnerability.
- Weather events, such as storms, wind, cold waves, and heat waves can lead to disruption of utility networks, and the social and geographic isolation of communities can lead to longer response times.
- Costs of living have overall increased, and energy consumption is in flux: as of November 2022.
- Social changes such as youth relocation and the current conflict in Ukraine can result in a more vulnerable community.